What Exactly is a Thermal Oxidizer and How Does it Work?

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Thermal Oxidizer

Pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are emission concerns that need abatement before releasing process exhaust into the atmosphere. A popular treatment method for these compounds is a thermal oxidizer. A thermal oxidizer heats the VOCs or HAPs to a precise temperature until they are oxidized. The oxidation process breaks down the harmful contaminants into carbon dioxide and water. Thermal oxidizers are ideal in applications where particulates may be present and where there is a higher concentration of VOCs.

Though thermal oxidizers are effective with a greater than 99% destructive rate, they are not always the most efficient. Integrating a heat exchanger, however, modifies the process to recuperate the heat that is released so that it is reused within the system to reduce operating costs and increase efficiency. Designing the right system for your configuration is key to a long-lasting, reliable solution.

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